“People come to Turkey for cupping therapy.
Doctor Saraç: The most incredible detox method.”
Cupping therapy, a traditional treatment method with a history spanning thousands of years, has become one of the most popular practices in recent times. Dr. Ender Saraç, who emphasizes that cupping is an incredibly effective and natural detox method, stated, “Cupping really works for many diseases. It’s like unclogging a blocked drain… We even have people coming from Israel to get cupping therapy done here.”,
Cupping, one of the traditional treatment methods, has recently become one of the most preferred applications. Cupping therapy aims to regulate blood circulation by applying a vacuum to specific areas and is beneficial for many illnesses. Dr. Ender Saraç, emphasizing that cupping is a highly effective detox method, stated that cupping works very well for conditions such as psoriasis, fatigue, edema, migraines, headaches, and various types of pain, and he explained what needs to be done before and after cupping therapy.
Dr. Saraç stated that cupping therapy has gained worldwide attention, especially after the pandemic. He said, “The main reason for this is the suspicions surrounding the new generation vaccines, which contain graphene and micro-particles that we don’t know much about. People who have received the new generation vaccines have experienced an increase in heart attacks, blood clots, aggressive cancers, changes in immunity, frequent illnesses, allergic reactions, and eye-related problems. Whether this is purely coincidental or not will be revealed by statistics in the future. However, as a physician who sees many patients, there doesn’t seem to be a completely normal situation. The most effective way of cleansing in this regard is an ancient practice called ‘hijama’ or cupping. Cupping involves applying strong suction to the intersection points of acupuncture meridians for about 3-4 minutes initially. The common cupping areas are on the back, with four main regions: head-neck, back-neck, hip-lower back, and feet. The most important and the first one to be done is the back-neck cupping.”
Dr. Saraç, emphasizing that cupping is also a spiritual purification, said, “In Islamic medicine, cupping is highly recommended for cleansing from negative energy. Scholars often mention that the evil eye, envy, spells, or whatever negative energy you believe in enters through the third eye point and blocks the heart chakra. It is recommended to open that point twice a year, and during the process, reciting Ayat al-Kursi, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas is advised. We have people coming from Israel to get cupping done here; they come for a single session and then return. Normally, they don’t have such a belief system, but they do it for detox purposes. For individuals with Islamic beliefs, we advise them to recite Ayat al-Kursi, Surah al-Falaq, and Surah al-Nas during the procedure, and I also recite them. For those who do not have such beliefs, we provide suggestions like ‘think positively’ and ‘breathe.’ It is not just a physical cleansing.”
Dr. Saraç, who said, “Cupping opens up blocked areas like unclogging a drain on the street,” mentioned that they make small incisions with sterile scalpels used in aesthetic surgeries on the vacuumed area. Saraç explained, “After making those incisions, we apply the vacuum again. Anyone who sees the blood that comes out is usually amazed. The blood from cupping is very different from venous blood taken from the arm. Research conducted in many universities has revealed significant differences in terms of uric acid, blood lipids, cholesterol, and heavy metals. Cupping is really effective for conditions like psoriasis, fatigue, edema, migraines, headaches, and various types of pain. It’s like unclogging a blocked drain…”
Dr. Saraç mentioned that they perform intravenous treatments like ozone or glutathione after cupping. He stated, “To make cupping a very powerful detox, you should follow a completely vegan, alkaline, and low glycemic index diet the day before and the day after the procedure. You should avoid consuming any animal products, including yogurt and cheese. Also, if you are taking a heavy blood thinner, you should stop it two days before. We recommend avoiding intense exercise and sexual intercourse. After cupping, we advise being more calm. In healthy individuals, cupping is done twice a year. Some may wonder, ‘Does it hurt?’ No, it doesn’t hurt at all, and hygiene rules are very important. In treatments done in places we refer to as ‘under the stairs,’ many diseases can be transmitted. In my opinion, cupping is the most incredible, effective, affordable, natural, and simple detox method.”

Özellikle Pandemi döneminden sonra hacamat bütün dünyada gündeme geldi. Bunun en büyük nedeni; Yeni nesil aşıların içerisindeki grafen ve ne olduğunu bilmediğimiz mikro partiküllerle ilgili şüpheler ve iddialar var. Gerçekten de tesadüf olamayacak kadar bu yeni nesil aşıları olanlarda kalp krizi, pıhtı atması, turbo kanser, bağışıklıkta değişiklikler, sık sık hastalanma, alerjik reaksiyonlar, gözle ilgili sıkıntılar çok yaygın gözüktü. Bu kadarda tesadüf olur mu olmaz mı Ilerideki zaman ve istatistikler gösterecek ama ben çok hasta gören bir hekim olarak çok normal bir durum yok sanki ortada.
-Especially after the pandemic period, cupping therapy (hacamat) has come into the spotlight worldwide. The main reason for this is the suspicions and claims regarding the graphene and unknown micro-particles in the new generation vaccines. Indeed, it doesn’t seem like a coincidence that those who have received these new generation vaccines are experiencing heart attacks, blood clotting, super cancer, changes in immunity, frequent illnesses, allergic reactions, and eye-related issues to an extent that can’t be considered a coincidence. Whether this is a coincidence or not will be revealed in the future through time and statistics, but as a physician who has seen many patients, it doesn’t seem like a completely normal situation to me.
Şimdi burada temizlenmenin en kolay ve belki en etkili yolu kadim bir bilgi olan hacamat. Hacamat akupunktur meridyenlerinin kesişme noktalarına ilk önce üç 4 dakika kadar kuvvetli bir vakum yapıyorsunuz. Genelde hacamat noktaları Arkadadır. Dört bölge hacamatı vardır. Kafa-baş, sırt-boyun, arka kalça-alt bel, ayaklar ve alt ekstremiteler. Bu dört bölge hacamatından en önemlisi ilk yapılması gerekeni eğer özel bir durum yoksa sırt-boyun hacamatıdır.
– Now, the easiest and perhaps the most effective way of detoxification is an ancient practice called “hacamat” (cupping therapy). In hacamat, you first create a strong vacuum on the intersection points of acupuncture meridians for about three to four minutes. Typically, the cupping points are located on the back. There are four main areas for cupping therapy: head and neck, back and neck, lower back and upper buttocks, and the feet and lower extremities. Among these four areas, the most important one to start with, unless there is a specific condition, is the cupping of the back and neck.
Aynı zamanda Hacamatın diğer yöntemlerden farklı olarak spiritüel olarak manevi yönden de temizlik olduğuna inanılır. İslami tıpta hacamat Aynı zamanda negatif enerjiden temizlenmek için de çok önerilmiştir. Genelde âlimler kem göz, nazar, büyü, sihir neye inanıyorsanız negatif enerjinin üçüncü göz noktasından gelip kalp çakrasının orda tıkalı olduğunu söylerler.
-Additionally, cupping therapy is believed to be a form of spiritual purification, setting it apart from other methods. In Islamic medicine, hacamat is highly recommended for cleansing oneself from negative energy. Typically, scholars suggest that negative energy, such as the evil eye, envy, witchcraft, or sorcery, is believed to block the heart chakra, emanating from the third eye point.
Ve yılda iki kere o noktayı açmak açarken de inanç sisteminize göre eğer müslümansanız Ayet-el Kürsi, veya felak, nas surelerini okumak gibi veya bize mesela İsrail’den bile hacamata gelenler var. Günübirlik gelip hacamat yaptırıp dönüyorlar ki onların normalde öyle bir inanç sistemleri yok. Ama detoks amaçlı yaptırıyorlar. Veya başka dinlerden veya hiç bir şeye inanmayan Kişilerden de gelenler var. Hani biz genelde İslami inanışı olan kişilerde felak, nas surelerini okumalarını söylüyoruz. Zaten uygulamada bunları ben de okuyorum. Böyle bir inancı olmayan kişilerde de olumlu düşünün, güzel nefes alın, hoş imgelemeler yapın veya inanç sistemine göre önerilerde bulunuyoruz. Yani sadece fiziksel bir temizlik değildir.
-And twice a year, it is believed that by opening that point spiritually, according to your belief system, if you are a Muslim, you can recite Ayet-el Kürsi, Surah Al-Falaq, or Surah An-Nas, for instance. We even have people coming for cupping therapy from Israel, for example, just for detox purposes, even though they don’t normally have such a belief system. Or people from different religions or those who believe in nothing at all also come. Typically, we advise individuals with Islamic beliefs to recite Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas. I also recite these during the procedure. For those who do not have such beliefs, we suggest positive thinking, deep breathing, pleasant imagery, or recommendations based on their belief system. In other words, it’s not just about physical cleansing; it goes beyond that.
Hacamat ne yapıyor? Tıpkı Çıkmaz Sokakdaki çöpler gibi tıkalı olan yerlerdeki özellikle lenf dolaşımı ve kapiller dolaşımın en zayıf en yavaş olduğu yerler hacamat noktaları. Dediğim gibi akupunktur meridyenlerinin kesişme noktalarıdır. Doğru bir şekilde uygulandığında, kapiller ve lenf damarlarında biriken daha yavaş dolaşımdan dolayı toksinlerin oranı daha yüksek olan o bölgeye kuvvetli bir vakum yapılıyor.
-What does cupping therapy do? Cupping therapy targets areas where circulation, especially lymphatic and capillary circulation, is the weakest and slowest, just like the trash in a dead-end alley. These areas are the cupping points, as I mentioned earlier, which are the intersection points of acupuncture meridians. When applied correctly, it creates a strong vacuum on those areas with a higher concentration of toxins due to the slower circulation in capillaries and lymphatic vessels.
3-4 dakika sonra oraya estetik ameliyatlarda kullandığımız steril bistürilerle minik kesiler atıyoruz. O kesileri attıktan sonra tekrar vakum yapılıp zaten çıkan kan özellikle yeni nesil aşı olanlarda veya kanı daha ağır olanlarda çeşitli nedenlerle çıkan kanı görünce herkes şaşırıyor. Koldan alınan venöz kanla hacamat kanının pek çok üniversitede yapılan araştırmalarda aynı olmadığı ortaya çıkmış. Özellikle ürik Asit, kolesterol ve de ağır metaller açısından çok farklı bulunmuş. Yani aynı koldan alınan direkt venöz kan gibi değil.
-After about 3-4 minutes, we make small incisions with sterile scalpels, similar to what we use in aesthetic surgeries, in those areas. After making these incisions, we apply vacuum again, and everyone is usually surprised when they see the blood that comes out, especially in individuals who have received the new generation vaccines or those with thicker blood for various reasons. Research conducted in many universities has shown that cupping therapy blood is different from venous blood taken from the arm. It has been found to be significantly different, especially in terms of uric acid, cholesterol, and heavy metals. So, it’s not the same as directly drawing venous blood from the arm.
Yine onun dışında bu fibromiyalji, sedef hastalığı yorgunluk, Bazı cilt sorunları, ödem, migren baş ağrısı ve genel ağrı türleri gibi pek çok durumda hacamat gerçekten işe yarıyor. Takılı bir lavabonun Tıpasını açmak gibi. Genelde biz Kliniğimizde hacamattan sonra ozon veya glutatyon gibi oksijenlendiren ve antioksidan olan damardan tedavilerle destekliyoruz. Ve kişi hakikaten hızlı bir şekilde çok farklı hissediyor
-Moreover, cupping therapy can be really effective in various conditions such as fibromyalgia, psoriasis, fatigue, certain skin issues, edema, migraine headaches, and various types of general pain. It’s like unclogging a blocked drain. Typically, in our clinic, we complement cupping therapy with intravenous treatments like ozone or glutathione, which oxygenate and provide antioxidants. The individual often experiences a significant and rapid improvement in how they feel.
Çok güçlü bir detoks olması için yapılacağı günden bir gün önce ve bir gün sonra tamamen Vegan alkali ve düşük glisemik indeksli besleniyorsunuz. Yani hayvansal hiçbir şey yoğurt peynir yumurta dahi tüketmiyorsunuz. Daha alkali besleniyorsunuz ve daha düşük glisemik indeksli besleniyorsunuz. Çok öyle tatlılar şekerler, hamur işleri, tüketmiyorsunuz.
-To achieve a very potent detox effect, it is recommended to follow a vegan, alkaline, and low glycemic index diet one day before and one day after cupping therapy. This means abstaining from all animal products, including yogurt, cheese, and eggs. You would focus on a diet that is more alkaline and has a lower glycemic index. Avoiding sweet foods, sugars, and pastries is also essential during this period.
İkincisi çok ağır bir kan sulandırıcı alıyorsanız iki gün öncesinden kesilmesini istiyoruz. Hacamattan sonra tekrar başlatıyoruz.
-Secondly, if you are taking a potent blood thinner, we recommend discontinuing it two days before cupping therapy. After the cupping session, you can resume taking the medication.
Üçüncüsü ağır spor bedeni aşırı yoran faaliyetlerin bir gün önce, o gün vs bir gün sonra yapılmamasını öneriyoruz. Dördüncüsü ise cinsel ilişki aynı şekilde bir gün önce, o gün ve bir gün sonra da önermiyoruz.
– Thirdly, we advise against engaging in heavy physical activities or strenuous exercise one day before, on the day of, and one day after cupping therapy. Fourthly, similarly, we recommend abstaining from sexual intercourse one day before, on the day of, and one day after cupping therapy. These precautions can help ensure the effectiveness and safety of the cupping procedure.

Hacamat yapıldıktan sonra Daha sakin geçirilmesini öneriyoruz. Vücutta çok etkili bir detoks oluyor çok dövme yaptıranlar, çok dip balığı yiyenlerde veya çok aliminyumlu deodorant kullananlarda yani ağır metal sıkıntısı olanlarda da çok etkili güzel bir sonuç alıyoruz.
– After cupping therapy, it is advisable to have a calm and relaxed period. Cupping therapy is a highly effective detoxification process. It has been found to yield excellent results for individuals who have high levels of heavy metals in their bodies, such as those who have received many tattoos, consumed a lot of deep-sea fish, or used aluminum-based deodorants extensively.
Çok teşekkürler hocam
-Thank you very much doctor
Bir de şunu söyleyeyim, normalde sağlıklı kişilerde yılda iki kere yapılıyor. Çok merak edilen bir konu çok acıyor mu diye soruluyor hayır hiç alakası yok.
-I’d like to mention one more thing: normally, in healthy individuals, cupping therapy is done twice a year. One frequently asked question is whether it hurts a lot, and the answer is no, it doesn’t hurt much at all.
Yalnız hijyen kuralları çok önemlidir. Merdiven altı klinikler dediğimiz hijyenik olmayan uygulamalarda aIDS’ten hepatite kadar mikrop veya virüs kapılabilir. O nedenle biz Ameliyatlarda kullanılan dezenfektanlarla steril ediyoruz.
-However, hygiene rules are of utmost importance. In unhygienic or substandard clinics, there is a risk of contracting various microbes or viruses, including HIV and hepatitis. That’s why we use disinfectants similar to those used in surgeries to ensure sterility and hygiene during cupping therapy.
Tek kullanımlık lazer kesim kupalar kullanıyoruz vakum için. Mutlaka temiz eldivenlarla çalışıyoruz. Estetik ameliyatlarda kullanılan steril bistüril kullanıyoruz. Tekrar kaparken dezenfekte edip sarı kantaron veya çörekotu yağı sürdükten sonrada estetik göz ameliyatlarında kullanılan steril pedlerle kapatıyoruz. Bana göre en etkili ucuz müthiş basit doğal bir detoks yöntemi hacamattır.
-We use disposable laser-cut cups for suction, and we always work with clean gloves. We utilize sterile scalpels used in aesthetic surgeries for incisions. When closing the incisions, we disinfect them and apply either St. John’s wort oil or black cumin seed oil, and then cover them with sterile pads similar to those used in aesthetic eye surgeries. In my opinion, cupping therapy is one of the most effective, affordable, and wonderfully simple natural detoxification methods.
Herkes gönül rahatlığıyla gelebilir
-Everyone can come with peace of mind.
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