Say goodbye to your glasses with smart lenses
Technological advancements and applications in medicine have also begun to improve the quality of life. Smart lens applications, which have become increasingly popular in recent years, are among them… Eye Surgeon Opr. Dr. Sinan Göker stated, ‘After the procedure, your prescription gets to zero for both distance and near remains stable for the rest of your life, and cataracts don’t recur. The comfort of living without glasses begins.’
The advancement of technology has brought many innovations and comforts to the field of healthcare as well. Thanks to smart lens applications, individuals no longer have to rely on glasses. With the smart lens procedure performed by expert and experienced doctors, saying goodbye to glasses has become possible. Eye Specialist Dr. Sinan Göker mentioned that they can perform this procedure for anyone experiencing near vision problems after the age of 40.
Dr. Göker stated that computers and mobile phones do not damage the eyes, but even a minor defect in the eyes begins to manifest itself earlier. Looking at a phone for 15 minutes a day might not bother someone, but if you spend 4 hours staring at it, it can become uncomfortable. The average time spent on cell phones has increased to 4-5 hours per person. Normally, near vision discomfort start after the age of 40, and they worsen every year. Reading glasses are needed in the mid-40s, and the prescription for reading glasses increases every year until the age of 60. Cell phones have brought down this age average to earlier years.”
Doctor Göker, providing information about smart lenses, said, “Actually, these lenses are intraocular lenses that we use in cataract surgeries. With these implanted lenses, we can correct distance vision, but after cataract surgery, people often needed reading glasses. Now, multifocal lenses have been designed to address this issue. This technology began to be developed in the world 17 years ago, and I’ve been using it for 17 years as well. Initially, the technology was not as good, and there were some side effects, and near vision performance was not as good. But after 17 years, this technology has advanced significantly and is now in very good shape. Patient satisfaction is very high; we can read the smallest letters without glasses. Our patients can even read medication leaflets, and if they have a distance vision problem, that gets corrected too. Their eyes stay stable for the rest of their lives. Patient satisfaction has greatly increased. With the procedure being so effective, we have also started applying it to individuals with near vision problems who don’t have cataracts.”
Göker emphasized that this procedure is different from the traditional cataract surgery and requires a expertize and skill for success. When performed correctly by an experienced doctor using high-quality lenses, the difference is significant. Patients often say, “We were reborn.” This procedure can be done for anyone experiencing near vision problems after the age of 40, allowing them to get rid of their glasses. It’s a straightforward surgery performed with lasers. We do it on consecutive days, and it takes about 10 minutes. We numb the eye with drops, so there is no pain. The next day, patients can return to their normal lives and even go to work. Their prescription remains stable for the rest of their lives, and cataracts do not recur. The comfort of living without glasses begins.”

Dr. Göker pointed out that eye treatments are among the top priorities in health tourism. He said, ” I’ve been performing laser procedures for 31 years. Twenty-two years ago, we started bringing foreign patients to Turkey. The reasons for coming here are primarily that Turkey is more cost-effective, and doctors in Europe tend to be somewhat conservative in this regard, while doctors in Turkey are more daring. Therefore, because we started the procedure early, we have more experience. We have progressed rapidly, and we have good experience in this field. They may hold back in the lens operations we call smart lenses, but we have advanced beyond that stage, so we are well-versed in these matters. Along with experience, we also know the best lenses from experience use them. It is very difficult to change these lenses after 6 months. However, there are patients who previously had single-focus lenses and can’t read close-up now; for them, we can implant a close-focus lens with a second surgery. We place a second lens on top of the old one.”
Dr. Göker pointed out that the use of glasses is more common in countries like East Asia compared to Western countries. He said, “Many people in countries like China wear glasses. The use of cell phones, tablets, and computers has started to have some side effects. These devices are increasing myopia (nearsightedness). Therefore, we are experiencing a myopia pandemic. Myopia is increasing, and the reason is the use of cell phones and computers… It is essential for young people and children to spend time outdoors. They need to look further away.”ezz1799C838-885C-4E16-AB06-E68D22A77DD4

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